How long will my license last for? Do I need to purchase again after 1 year?
One-time payment licenses:
Your VueScan license is for life. You can continue to use it indefinitely. Free updates will last for one year. So even after your one year of free updates is over, you can continue to use a version that you have previously downloaded, you just won’t be able to download new versions without purchasing again. This supports development of VueScan and the work that is required to keep it up to date for new operating systems.
If you have a legacy Professional Edition License issued prior to March 31, 2021, then you have access to free updates indefinitely.
Subscription licenses:
Your VueScan license is active as long as your subscription is active. You will no longer be able to use VueScan after you end your subscription. When you cancel, your subscription will stay active until the end of the billing period (usually the month). For example, if you’re billing period ends on Oct 15 and you cancel on Oct 1, you will be able to use VueScan until Oct 15.