Output Tab

VueScan Screenshot - Output Tab

This tab lets you specify what types of files are written when scanning, and the file names and options for these files.

The various measures of the image files produced will be displayed in the status area at the bottom right of the VueScan window.

File naming and saving

The Output tab has several options to specify the name of the files VueScan produces. You may either type the filename in directly, or click the ’@’ button to open a visual file and folder navigation window.

You may specify a default folder for all file operations, but filenames may also specify the path to a sub-folder of the default (a relative path), or even a completely different location (an absolute path).

VueScan can save multiple files at once. For example, you may want to save a high-resolution TIFF for archiving purposes or later editing, and lower quality (and size) JPEG files for other purposes.


VueScan provides an auto-numbering feature that allows you to create unique filenames automatically. Depending on the task you are doing, VueScan can either use the next number in a series, or it can use the current frame number (as indicated in Input | Frame number) when creating a new filename.

This option is available and works the same for “crop” files (scans that have been cropped and processed) in TIFF, JPEG, PDF and OCR text formats or “scan” files that contain the raw, minimally processed output from the scanner.

If the “@” symbol is used in the file name, file names in the form “Scan-YYYY-MM-DD-0001+” are used (where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the day). The last digits are increased until an unused file name is found.

Serial numbering with +

Insert a plus sign (+) anywhere in the filename after some digits in order to instruct VueScan to add a number in that place if needed to create a new unique filename in the folder. VueScan will start counting from the number to the left of the plus sign.

VueScan finds the next available number by looking for files matching the pattern specified; one by one it adds one to the digit(s) in the name until it finds an unused filename. So if the pattern is “crop0001+.tif” and the folder is empty, the first file will be “crop0001.tif”, the second “crop0002.tif” and so on. You can start at any number (e.g. “crop1001+.tif”).

Note that if you delete a file from an existing numbered series, the next file saved will fill the open position. This can be useful if you want to match file numbers with exposure frame numbers or other numerical indexes.

Add leading zeros to the starting number in order to “reserve” having filenames of the same length.

If more than one plus sign (or equals sign) is specified, VueScan will ignore all but the last.

*Using same file name as raw files with **

Use an asterix (*) for the output file name to cause the raw file name to be used. For instance, when scanning raw files with different names that aren’t in numerical order, click the ’@’ button to the right of the Input | Files option, choose multiple file names, and when you batch scan these, the output files will have the same file names as the input files, albeit in different folders and with different file extensions.

Frame numbering with =

Insert an equals sign (=) anywhere in the filename to instruct VueScan to insert the current value of Input | Frame number when creating the file. If you save the same frame more than once VueScan will overwrite the previous file (see Prefs | Warn on overwrite).

If you specify a starting number, VueScan will add one less than the current frame number to the starting value. For example, if you specify “crop0007=.tif” and the current frame number is 2, the file written will be “crop0008.tif” (7+2-1).

This feature allows you to match the exposure number printed on the film edge to the file number of the scan. Keep in mind that Input | Frame number will be relative to what the scanner thinks is a frame. Your film holder frame number might range from 1 to 6, so for each new strip of 6 exposures you scan, you can set the starting number in the filename.

Output | Default folder

This is the folder where files are read and written by default.

All other file names on the Output tab, as well as Input | Files will use this folder, so full paths are not required in those fields.

Basic Option: This option is always displayed.

Output | File type

You can use this option to write scans in JPEG, PDF or TIFF format. If you select “Custom”, then you can select any combination of file types.

Basic Option: This option is displayed when using Basic options or Standard option.

Output | TIFF file

This enables writing the cropped and processed images to a TIFF file when scanning.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when using Professional options.

Output | TIFF file name

This specifies the name of the TIFF file to hold the cropped and processed images.

In addition to VueScan writing a specific file name, it can also automatically name your files in three ways by placing special characters in the filename. See the beginning of this section for information on how to use this auto-numbering feature.

The default setting of this option is “@.tif”, which is expanded to “Scan-YYYY-MM-DD-0001+.tif”.

Basic Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set.

Output | TIFF size reduction

You can use this option to write files with a reduced number of pixels. For instance, if size reduction is set to 3, then every 3x3 block of pixels in the image will be written as a single pixel, which is the average of these 9 pixels.

This option will reduce the resolution and size of the file produced. These values will be displayed in the status area at the bottom of the VueScan window.

However, this option produces better results than reducing the resolution of the scan, as the averaging of multiple pixels results in a similar noise reduction benefit as multi-sampling. See Input | Number of samples and Input | Number of passes.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set.

Output | TIFF multi page

If set to ‘On’, this option will cause VueScan to create multi-page TIFF files. Each scan will be added as a new page.

If batch scanning with a document feeder, and if this option is set to ‘Blank page’, a new file will be started if a blank page is detected (and the blank pages won’t be saved).

If batch scanning with a a duplex document feeder, and if this option is set to “Front/Back”, only the front and back of each page will be saved in each file.

When you scan to this multi page file, a thumbnail of each page will be displayed on the right side of the window. You can reorder pages in multi page files with the mouse.

Standard Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set.

Output | TIFF file type

This option describes the resolution of the cropped TIFF file, in bits per pixel. It should normally be set to 24-bits per pixel, since many image editing programs are unable to read TIFF files with higher bit depth than this.

If you select 8 bits or 16 bits, the file will be saved in black/white format.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set.

Output | TIFF compression

This specifies whether to use compression when writing the TIFF file.

TIFF compression will not cause any loss of image data. It will take a little longer to read, and especially write, as the algorithm is computationally intensive, but can reduce total file size by as much as 40%.

The default setting is “Auto”, which enables compression for files with 12 or fewer bits per sample and disables compression for files more bits per sample.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set and when Output | TIFF DNG format isn’t set.

Output | TIFF DNG format

This specifies whether to write TIFF files in DNG (Digital Negative) format. This allows VueScan’s TIFF files to be read by the Adobe Camera Raw plugin or other programs that read DNG files.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set.

Output | TIFF profile

This specifies whether to embed an ICC color profile into the TIFF file. This is primarily useful if you’re using Photoshop(TM). You can specify the profile to use by setting Color | Output color space.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | TIFF file is set.

Output | JPEG file

This enables writing the cropped and processed images to a JPEG file when scanning.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when using Professional options.

Output | JPEG file name

This specifies the name of the JPEG file to hold the cropped and processed images.

In addition to VueScan writing a specific file name, it can also automatically name your files in three ways by placing special characters in the filename. See the beginning of this section for information on how to use this auto-numbering feature.

The default setting of this option is “@.jpg”, which is expanded to “Scan-YYYY-MM-DD-0001+.jpg”.

Basic Option: This option is displayed when Output | JPEG file is set.

Output | JPEG size reduction

You can use this option to write files with a reduced number of pixels. For instance, if size reduction is set to 3, then every 3x3 block of pixels in the image will be written as a single pixel, which is the average of these 9 pixels.

This option will reduce the resolution and size of the file produced. These values will be displayed in the status area at the bottom of the VueScan window.

However, this option produces better results than reducing the resolution of the scan, as the averaging of multiple pixels results in a similar noise reduction benefit as multi-sampling. See Input | Number of samples and Input | Number of passes.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | JPEG file is set.

Output | JPEG multi page

If set, this option will cause VueScan to append scans to the end of a JPEG file, padding the file with white pixels on the right if necessary.

This option is sometimes useful if scanning two-sided identity documents like driver’s licenses, when scanning photographs with writing on the back, or when scanning postcards.

If set to ‘On’, this option will cause VueScan to create multi-page JPEG files. Each scan will be added as a new page.

If batch scanning with a document feeder, and if this option is set to ‘Blank page’, a new file will be started if a blank page is detected (and the blank pages won’t be saved).

If batch scanning with a a duplex document feeder, and if this option is set to “Front/Back”, only the front and back of each page will be saved in each file.

When you scan to this multi page file, a thumbnail of each page will be displayed on the right side of the window. You can reorder pages in multi page files with the mouse.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | JPEG file is set.

Output | JPEG quality

This option controls the quality of the JPEG file. Using 100 produces images with few visible JPEG artifacts, and 50 results in images with noticeable artifacts, but with much smaller sizes. The default value of 90 produces fairly small images with little visible degradation in image quality.

Even at the highest quality, JPEG files are smaller than compressed TIFF files by as much as 60%. This smaller size comes at the cost of loss of image information. If you expect to be editing your scans produced by VueScan (e.g. in Photoshop(TM)), or are digitally archiving your scans, JPEG is not a good choice. However, for web, email, small size or inkjet printing, JPEG is by far more efficient and, at higher quality settings, virtually indistinguishable.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | JPEG file is set.

Output | JPEG black/white

This enables writing the cropped and processed images to a monochrome JPEG file. If you’re working with black/white film, this will produce files that are smaller than color files.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | JPEG file is set.

Output | JPEG profile

This specifies whether to embed an ICC color profile into the JPEG file. This is primarily useful if you’re using Photoshop(TM). You can specify the profile to use by setting Color | Output color space.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | JPEG file is set.

Output | PDF file

This enables writing the cropped and processed images to a PDF file when scanning.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when using Professional options.

Output | PDF file name

This specifies the name of the PDF file to hold the cropped and processed images.

In addition to VueScan writing a specific file name, it can also automatically name your files in three ways by placing special characters in the filename. See the beginning of this section for information on how to use this auto-numbering feature.

The default setting of this option is “@.pdf”, which is expanded to “Scan-YYYY-MM-DD-0001+.pdf”.

Basic Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF size reduction

You can use this option to write files with a reduced number of pixels. For instance, if size reduction is set to 3, then every 3x3 block of pixels in the image will be written as a single pixel, which is the average of these 9 pixels.

This option will reduce the resolution and size of the file produced. These values will be displayed in the status area at the bottom of the VueScan window.

However, this option produces better results than reducing the resolution of the scan, as the averaging of multiple pixels results in a similar noise reduction benefit as multi-sampling. See Input | Number of samples and Input | Number of passes.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF multi page

This option is useful when you are scanning documents and want multiple pages stored in a single file.

If set to ‘On’, this option will cause VueScan to create multi-page PDF files. Each scan will be added as a new page.

If batch scanning with a document feeder, and if this option is set to ‘Blank page’, a new file will be started if a blank page is detected (and the blank pages won’t be saved).

If batch scanning with a a duplex document feeder, and if this option is set to “Front/Back”, only the front and back of each page will be saved in each file.

When you scan to this multi page file, a thumbnail of each page will be displayed on the right side of the window. You can reorder pages in multi page files with the mouse.

Standard Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Reorder Pages in Multi Page Files

When you scan to a multi page file, in PDF, TIFF or JPEG format, you can change the order of the pages in the file or delete pages from the file.

To rearrange pages, drag a thumbnail of the page with the mouse to a new location.

Other options can be chosen by clicking on any thumbnail with the right mouse button.

Choosing ‘Delete’ deletes the clicked-on page from the file.

Choosing ‘Rotate right’ rotates the clicked-on page clockwise in the file.

Choosing ‘Rotate left’ rotates the clicked-on page counter-clockwise in the file.

Choosing ‘Flip” rotates the clicked on page 180 degrees (i.e. flips it over).

Choosing ‘Reverse’ reverses the order of the pages in the file. For instance, if there are eight pages 12345678 this command will change the pages to 87654321. This is useful when a stack of pages was scanned in reverse order.

Choosing ‘Interleave’ reorders the front/back scans by interleaving front/back pages - i.e. ffffbbbb gets reordered to fbfbfbfb. For instance, if there are eight pages 13578642 this command will change the pages to 12345678.

Choosing ‘Separate’ reorders front/back scans by separating front/back pages - i.e. fbfbfbfbfb gets reordered to ffffbbbb. For instance, if there are eight pages 12345678 this command will change the pages to 13578642.

Choosing ‘Swap even/odd’ reorders front/back scans by swapping front/back pages - i.e. bfbfbfbf gets reordered to fbfbfbfb. For instance, if there are eight pages 12345678 this command will change the pages to 21436587. This is useful to correct for scanning a stack of papers with the pages in the wrong orientation.

Choosing ‘Delete all’ deletes all of the pages from the file.

You can read more about this feature here

Standard Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF file type

This option describes the resolution of the cropped PDF file, in bits per pixel. For PDF files, only 1 bit per sample and 8 bits per sample images are written, and 1 sample per pixel and 3 samples per pixel images are written.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF compression

This specifies whether to use compression when writing the PDF file.

PDF compression uses the JPEG format internally when writing PDF files with more than one bit per pixel. If this option is set to ‘Maximum’, additional JPEG compression is used (level 75) otherwise minimal JPEG compression is used (level 90).

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF paper size

This option describes the page size to be used in PDF files. If the image size is larger than the page size, then a larger page size is used, otherwise the image is centered on the page.

Standard Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF profile

This specifies whether to embed an ICC color profile into the PDF file. This is primarily useful if you’re using Photoshop(TM). You can specify the profile to use by setting Color | Output color space.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | PDF file is set.

Output | PDF OCR text

This option creates searchable PDF files. VueScan’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature detects where each word is located on the page, and overlays this text on top of the image of the page. You can then use the search capability of any PDF viewer to find the text within the PDF document.

This will also let your operating system index your PDF files so you can look for documents based on the text within them.

Use the Output | OCR text language option to choose the language of the text. This will improve the quality of non-English OCR. Only characters that are in the windows-1252 character set (basically Western European languages) will be written to the PDF file.

Professional Option: This option is always displayed for flatbed scanners.

Output | OCR text file

This Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature writes the text from a scanned image to a normal text file that can be edited with any text editor.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when using Professional options.

Output | OCR text file name

This specifies the name of the OCR text file to hold the text from the scanned image.

In addition to VueScan writing a specific file name, it can also automatically name your files in three ways by placing special characters in the filename. See the beginning of this section for information on how to use this auto-numbering feature.

The default setting of this option is “@.txt”, which is expanded to “Scan-YYYY-MM-DD-0001+.txt”.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | OCR text file is set.

Output | OCR text language

This option selects the language of the text that’s being scanned. There’s built-in support for English, and 32 additional languages can be downloaded from:


Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | OCR text file is set.

Output | OCR text multi page

This option is useful when you are scanning documents and want the OCR text stored in a single file.

If set to ‘On’, this option will cause VueScan to create multi-page OCR text files. Each scan will be added as a new page.

If batch scanning with a document feeder, and if this option is set to ‘Blank page’, a new file will be started if a blank page is detected (and the blank pages won’t be saved).

If batch scanning with a a duplex document feeder, and if this option is set to “Front/Back”, only the front and back of each page will be saved in each file.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | OCR text file is set.

Output | OCR text RTF format

If set, this option will cause VueScan to write OCR text files in the RTF format (Rich Text Format) used by Microsoft Word as well as most Mac OS X and Linux word processors. This format preserves the location of the text on the page that’s scanned, along with the bold and italic settings of the text.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | OCR text file is set.

Output | Index file

This enables writing the cropped and processed images to an index file when scanning.

An index file contains thumbnail size copies of a set of images, for example a roll of film. Each cropped image is added to the index print from left to right, top to bottom.

After saving an image to the index file, the file is closed and opened again if another image is added.

Professional Option: This option is always displayed.

Output | Index file name

This specifies the name of the file to hold the index images. Index files are always saved as windows bitmap (BMP) files.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Index file is set.

Output | Index frame

This option controls the placement of images in the index. If zero, the images are added from left to right, top to bottom; this is the default setting.

If set to a number greater than 0, the images are added at that frame position counting left to right, top to bottom. For example, if Index frame is set to 8 and Index across is set to 5, the image would be placed at the second row, third column.

If Index frame is set to a number greater than 0, it will be increased by 1 after an image is saved to the index.

When is it really useful? When you want to replace one or more index images in an existing index file. For example if you want to change the rotation of an image, or if you re-scan one strip of film within a roll.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Index file is set.

Output | Index width

This is the width of an index frame, in pixels.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Index file is set.

Output | Index height

This is the height of an index frame, in pixels.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Index file is set.

Output | Index margin

This is the margin around an index frame, in pixels.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Index file is set.

Output | Index across

This is the number of index frames across in an index file.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Index file is set.

Output | Raw file

This enables writing raw data from the scanner to a TIFF file.

The raw files are the result of the first of two steps VueScan performs: “scanning”. The second step is “processing”. These steps are described in the topic “How VueScan Works” in this Manual. By providing a mechanism to cleanly separate these two steps, VueScan provides great flexibility and offers options not available in most other scanner software.

You can perform the “processing” step later by setting Input | Source to “File”. This lets you rescan images with different settings, without needing to rescan the media.

When the raw file is written depends on the setting of Output | Raw output with.

Raw files are always stored as TIFF files and can therefore be examined in image viewing and editing programs. Note, however that the resolution of raw files (as specified in Output | Raw file type) may be greater than some programs can read.

Little processing is done on raw files so they are a close representation of exactly what the scanner has produced. Raw files will not be filtered nor will color settings be applied. As a result, raw scans may look “wrong”.

Raw files contain as much data as the scanner was able to produce before any modifications may have been made, and are therefore good for archiving.

The image gamma value is 1.0 when there are two bytes (16-bits) per sample, and 2.2 when there is one byte (8-bits) per sample. Raw files saved with gamma 1.0 will look dark, but this is normal.

The one exception to this is if Output | Raw output with is set to “Save”. In this case, the infrared cleaning and grain reduction is also done before saving the raw scan files.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Prefs | Enable raw from disk is set or when not scanning from a file.

Output | Raw file name

This specifies the name of the TIFF file used to hold the raw data from the scanner.

As well as VueScan writing a specific file name for you, it can also automatically number your files in two ways by placing special characters in the filename. (See the beginning of this section for information on how to use this auto-numbering feature.)

The default setting of this option is “scan0001+.tif”.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set.

Output | Raw size reduction

You can use this option to write files with a reduced number of pixels. For instance, if size reduction is set to 3, then every 3x3 block of pixels in the image will be written as a single pixel, which is the average of these 9 pixels.

However, this option produces better results than reducing the resolution of the scan, as the averaging of multiple pixels results in a similar noise reduction benefit as multi-sampling. See Input | Number of samples and Input | Number of passes.

This option may not be appropriate for use with raw files when your purpose is to archive the scanner’s output. For most users leave the value set at the default of 1 (no reduction).

If, however, you always scan at a high resolution and then use size TIFF/JPEG reduction when saving the crop file, Raw size reduction may be appropriate because it results in significantly smaller files while still gaining the benefit of scanner noise reduction.

If you do use Raw size reduction, you probably will not want to use TIFF/JPEG size reduction later when scanning the raw file from disk.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set.

Output | Raw file type

This option describes the resolution of the raw file, in bits per pixel. It should normally be set to Auto, which defaults to bits per pixel of the scanner.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set.

Output | Raw output with

This specifies which operations in VueScan cause the raw scan data to be written to a file.

If set to “Scan” (or “Preview”), the raw file is written at the same time as the scan (or preview). In this case, the raw file has not had infrared cleaning or grain reduction applied.

Assuming that the preview is used primarily to prepare for the final scan, this option should normally be set to “Scan” so that the highest resolution raw image can be saved.

If set to “Save”, it is written at the same time as other files are written (i.e. after a scan completes or when the Save button is pressed). In this case, the raw file has had infrared cleaning and grain reduction applied.

It’s much faster to save the raw file at the same time as the scan, since writing the file is overlapped with scanning the data.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set.

Output | Raw save film

If this option is set, then the film corrections are done before the raw file is written.

The Output | Raw output with is also implicitly set to “Save”, which means that the rotation and infrared cleaning are also applied to the raw file.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set.

Output | Raw compression

This specifies whether to use compression when writing the raw file.

Compression of the raw TIFF file will not cause any loss of image data. It will take a little longer to read, and especially write, as the algorithm is computationally intensive, but can reduce total file size by as much as 40%.

The default setting is “Auto”, which enables compression for files with 12 or fewer bits per sample and disables compression for files using more bits per sample.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set and when Output | Raw DNG format isn’t set.

Output | Raw DNG format

This specifies whether to write raw files in DNG (Digital Negative) format. This allows VueScan’s raw files to be read by the Adobe Camera Raw plugin or other programs that read DNG files.

These DNG format raw files can also be read by VueScan when you set Input | Source to “File”.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Raw file is set.

Output | Printed size

Use this option to select the target size of the saved images. This is used to compute the resolution of the saved TIFF, JPEG and PDF files. The dpi of the saved files will depend on the dpi produced by the scanner and the image size.

Note that “Printed size” does not affect the number of pixels in the image, so this setting does not affect the file size. “Printed size” controls logically how far apart the pixels should be displayed in order to fit within the bounds specified. This also means that “Printed size” does not instruct VueScan to resample the image.

Keep in mind that the effects of resolution may not be visible (or may be misrepresented), as a result of the resolution of your monitor or printer. A very high-resolution file cannot be displayed at a resolution higher then the monitor, so just because you see jagged lines does not mean the image will print poorly.

Standard Option: This option is always displayed.

Output | Magnification (%)

If the “Printed size” is “Scan size”, you can increase the printed size of the output file with this option.

This option divides the scanned dpi of the image by this value, resulting in an increase in the printed size of the output file.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when Output | Printed size is set to “Scan size”.

Output | Printed dpi

If “Printed size” is “Fixed dpi”, you can specify the dpi of the output file with this option. The printed size will be as large as needed to match the specified resolution and will retain the aspect ratio of the cropped scan.

Basic Option: This option is displayed when Output | Printed size is set to “Fixed dpi”.

Output | Printed width

This sets the target width of the saved images when the “Printed size” option is set to “Manual”. If set, the height will be calculated to retain the aspect ratio of the cropped scan.

Standard Option: This option is displayed when Output | Printed size is set to “Manual”.

Output | Printed height

This sets the target height of the saved images when the “Printed size” option is set to “Manual”. If set, the width will be calculated to retain the aspect ratio of the cropped scan.

Standard Option: This option is displayed when Output | Printed size is set to “Manual”.

Output | Description

This field will be written to TIFF files and JPEG files as an EXIF field and in OCR text files at the top of the page. You can use it to indicate a one-line description of the image being scanned.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when at least one of the output files is enabled.

Output | Copyright

This field will be written to TIFF files and JPEG files as an EXIF field and in OCR text files at the top of the page. You should normally use “Copyright 20XX Your Name”.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when at least one of the output files is enabled.

Output | Date

This field will be written to TIFF files and JPEG files as an EXIF field indicating the date that the picture was taken originally (not the date that it was scanned).

You can be quite flexible in specifying this date - any of the following formats will work: 1995, March 1997, 20030402, 3/23/98, 1998:03:23, etc. If you’re in the USA time zone, put the month before the day, otherwise put the day before the month. The best format to use is the ISO format for dates, YYYY:MM:DD.

The date is converted to the ISO date format of YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS before putting it in the EXIF field in the TIFF and JPEG files.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when at least one of the output files is enabled.

Output | Watermark 1/2

These fields will be overlaid on top of an image as a watermark.

Professional Option: This option is displayed when at least one of the output files is enabled.

Output | Caption 1/2

These fields will be displayed as text at the bottom of JPEG, TIFF and PDF files.

The captions use black letters on a white background. The text is anti-aliased so it looks good and can contain non-English letters (i.e. Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese). A smaller font is used if if the caption is too long to fit. To disable a caption, set it to zero-length line.

This option is useful when scanning photos, slides and negatives to add info and the captions eare easy to delete later with an image editor.

Basic Option: This option is displayed when at least one of the output files is enabled.

Output | Center captions

Use this option to center captions below the image. Turn this option off to left-align captions.

Standard Option: This option is displayed when at least one of the output files is enabled.

Output | Log file

If set to ‘On’, VueScan will log all data sent and received from the scanners to vuescan.log. This is primarily for debugging problems with scanners. You should only use this feature if you want to send it with a bug report when a scanner isn’t working properly and you suspect it may be a problem with the way VueScan is controlling the scanner.

If set to ‘All’, VueScan will additionally add a record to vuescan.csv containing the time each scanned file was created and the name of the file saved.

Professional Option: This option is always displayed.

Output | Log file max size (MB)

The log file will be written until it grows to this size. You might need to increase this if the log file stops before you’re able to reproduce a problem.

Professional Option: This option is always displayed.