VueScan Newsletter - April 2015

In our last newsletter we asked for your input on how we could make improvements and what features you would like to see added to VueScan. We had thousands of replies, which have been extremely useful to us. We have created a priority list for these, but already have been working on the most requested features, which was for changes to multi-page PDF creation and scanning photos.

As a result, we have released a lot of product updates. Since the last newsletter in December we have gone from version 9.4.54 to 9.5.08.

What has Changed?

The main changes have been making multi-page PDF pages easier to create.

You can now:

  • Create new multi-page PDF file with ‘Scan’ button
  • Add pages to multi-page PDF file with ‘Scan+’ button
  • View PDF file with ‘View’ button

Many of you have been in contact already with comments and questions, and it would be great to hear more of your ideas, so please email us at and let us know.

Read below in Tips & Advice for more information on this. For more details and earlier version release notes click here.

Auto-Crop Photos

We found the hardest about scanning photos was aligning the photos with the edge of the scanner and separating multiple photos into multiple image files. We’ve been working on changes to VueScan that do exactly that. But we need your help testing it before we integrate in to VueScan. We created a free online tool that allows you to upload an image of multiple scanned photos, and the tool will seperate the photos for you.

Click here to watch a demo video and click here to use the auto crop tool.

Tips and Advice

We recently changed the way multi-page PDF files are produced. A lot of customers were confused by the “Last page” button, so we improved this process. Starting with VueScan 9.5.05, you press the “Scan” button to start a new multi-page PDF file. If you’re scanning from the flatbed, it will create a single-page PDF file and if you’re scanning from a document feeder, it will take all the pages from the document feeder and put them into a multi-page PDF file.

At this point, you can add pages to this PDF file by pressing the “Scan+” button (the ‘+’ is a mnemonic for ‘adding’ pages). If you want to start a new PDF file, press the “Scan” button instead.

At any time, you can press the “View” button to view the most recent multi-page PDF file (or the most recent scan if it’s in JPEG format).

**PDF Interleave**
One new and interesting thing you can now do is scan the front sides of a stack of pages, then scan the back sides, then use the “PDF Interleave” command – this will put the pages into the right order. Note that you have to use the “PDF Interleave command” AFTER you have scanned both the front and back sides.
**PDF Reverse**

This command reverses the order of the pages. For instance, if there are eight pages 12345678 this command will change the pages to 87654321. This is useful when a stack of pages was scanned in reverse order.

**PDF Separate**
This command reorders front/back scans by separating front/back pages - i.e. fbfbfbfbfb gets reordered to ffffbbbb. For instance, if there are eight pages 12345678 this command will change the pages to 13578642. This is useful for un-doing the effect of PDF Interleave.
**PDF Swap even/odd**

This command reorders front/back scans by swapping front/back pages - i.e. bfbfbfbf gets reordered to fbfbfbfb. For instance, if there are eight pages 12345678 this command will change the pages to 21436587.

This is useful to correct for scanning a stack of papers with the pages in the wrong orientation.

**PDF Delete**

This command lets you delete the last page from a PDF file.

Love VueScan?

Tell your friends and colleagues if you love VueScan. You can use VueScan on up to four different computers that you personally use, with any combination of operating systems, with any number of scanners, both x32 and x64, with a single license – so let people know about us!